Wednesday, August 1, 2007

microsoft windows live writer sucks (part 1)

try to publish to blogger with a picture included and you get the error:

funny, if I just use the regular blogger interface it works fine.  so why does microsoft give me options that their software doesn't support? this is a good reason to not use windows live writer.

Update: I (not surprisingly) am not the first to notice this problem. The Dino and friends futilely tried to work around it months ago.


mayank gupta said...

Thanks a lot for the link back Tom :)

~ ReviewSaurus

SL said...

The Writer team have said that this will be fixed in the next release. Blogger updated their APIs just before beta 2 came out to actually allow third party clients to upload pictures.

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smug SoCal catalyst prone to puffery. practitioner of verbal aikido. pearl caster for swine. professional. intuitive. clean. approachable. unique. forgiven sinner. ubiquitous. reads. geekiness rating ~10%. Meyers-Briggs = iNTj. musical thinker. into nature. project manager for a decent place which gives plenty of time, money and chances to prove his talent. dabbler, a dilettante, jack of all trades, master of none. lives in a nice place with a great wife and kids. his boys and attitude keeps him young. hangs out a lot, never bored. listens to XM. doesn't do favorites. tries to play the blues on acoustic guitar. loves the beach. draws. chillz' an groovz'. smokes a pipe. lefty.